Announcing “We’ll Think of Something”, Jack Wilson memoir

“Far exceeded my expectations,” is what 92-year-old Jack Wilson said of his memoir produced by Real Life Stories, LLC several months ago. “I could not be happier. It was wonderful to work with Sheridan Hill.”
It was our pleasure and privilege to work with Mr. Wilson and the fabulous folks at ABEC, the company he founded, to produce his memoir. Privately published in archive-quality binding in one small batch, it will be enjoyed for several hundred years by those who have known and loved him the most.
ABEC is the world’s largest supplier of bio-technical stainless fermenters.
A snapshot of the table of contents of Jack’s book (below) tells much about the strength of his character. We were inspired to use “Jackisms” — quotes from Jack that became familiar sayings, words to live and work by.