Our Team

LifeTime Memoirs
LifeTime Memoirs is one of the world’s leading private autobiography services. Founded in 2011, there are now 10,000 people with a LifeTime memoir around the world. These books are created not to be the next bestseller, but to be treasured gifts and heirlooms for your family and closest friends. Learn more

Mark, Interviewer / Author
Mark is our personable, quick-witted author and interviewer with a delightful Scottish accent. Very few people have the skills to conduct perfect interviews as well as craft brilliant memoirs, but Mark is one of them. Keenly interested in biography, history, culture, and music, Mark has authored dozens of books.

Diana, Interviewer / Author
With more than two decades' experience in writing, editing, and interviewing, Diana is also the kind of person who leaves no stone unturned when weaving stories.

Cinnamon, Author
Cinnamon delves deep when authoring a book, easily conquering complex issues, whether in business, medicine, the arts, or human interest.

Julia, Interviewer
Everyone loves telling their stories to Julia. She works remotely on Zoom from her home in the Blue Ridge Mountains. She is curious, compassionate, and will help you access those memories from long ago.

Ele, Interviewer
Ele is our bilingual interviewer who is fluent in both Spanish and English. She is also an incredibly inspired and inspiring person with a passion for helping people tell their stories.

David, Interviewer
Warmth is the operative word with David, who also holds advanced degrees in education. He listens deeply and asks the right questions to help you tell your real life stories.

Jerry, Graphic Designer
Jerry’s creative juices are always working to wow us with stunning book designs and covers. “That’s what gets me out of bed in the morning,” he says, “and keeps me up late at night!”

Alison, Graphic Designer
You probably will never meet Alison, but our work would not be possible without her creative book designs and her endless patience with changes and edits. She is incredibly talented in putting together all the disparate pieces of text, quotes, photos, historical documents, and of course the narrative text.

Betsy, Copyeditor
Betsy is our detail-oriented, rule-abiding expert who reviews manuscripts before they are printed to provide an error-free book. She is endlessly patient and always gets the job done right.

Pam, Transcriptionist
Pam is our professional transcriptionist who works with our most confidential and sensitive audio files. She listens to the audio files from our interviews with you and turns them into absolutely perfect Word documents.

Jessica, Genealogist
Jessica has worked with us for the past decade, ensuring that the ancestral information we put in our books is accurate. Even if your family has conducted its own research, we prefer to let Jessica do her own fact-finding regimen on your genealogy, back to your great-grandparents if possible. Also, she understands the complexities of those DNA results that you probably never drilled down into. In 2015, Jessica first explained to me what centimorgans are…and that’s only one small rabbit hole she traverses easily!