
Your Life Story in a Beautiful Book – Personal Biography

e-Book vs Paperback: Cost Comparison

The Excel spreadsheet made it all clear. My client’s husband had spent hours pulling together cost comparisons for publishing his wife’s nonfiction book. We already knew she would release an e-book version because that’s a no-brainer: once you have the book designed in a PDF, any good designer or publishing service can turn the PDF into an e-book file for about $50 or less.

She has “a following” and expects to have some immediate book sales, but she lives on a Hawaiian island and can’t travel to promote her book. And she wants to be fiscally prudent in this publishing.

Considering her paramaters and looking at the spreadsheet, the three of us had the same idea: publish the book as an ebook only. Promote it online, send out newsletters and make a FaceBook fan page, build sales…and then decide whether to print a paperback or not.

There is plenty to do to market the book either way, and this offered her the affordable, efficient method she wanted.