Memoir Writers

Our specialty is the Heirloom Biography.

How does it work? If you want to hire a memoir writer, nothing can replace interviews when it comes to documenting history, whether it is personal, family, or business. Sheridan Hill spends four or five days with  you conducting interviews for your memoir. After 30 years of interviewing and writing, she is an accomplished interviewer and memoir writer.

Once we begin our interviews, people find that memories come floating back. Stories that were long forgotten rise to the surface.

Then, our memoir writer begins drafting your story. Necessary research includes minimum genealogy as well as local, regional, and world events which are expertly woven into your story. Every person’s life is part of a holograph and must be woven into the larger picture. In general, a professional memoir writer will spend an average of six hours researching to every hour of crafting the narrative.

When our  memoir writer completes the manuscript, you will receive a draft to review. We make your desired changes: when you are satisfied, the manuscript is then ready for design.

Most of our clients want a book that will be printed in archive-quality printing in small edition (25 to 50 copies) for family members only. Others want us to create a book that will be for sale at and all major retail outlets.

If we are creating a personal biography for your family, at this point you will choose photographs to illustrate the different times and people in your life.

We guide the book design process. Our book designers are experienced and among the most affordable professional book designers available in the United States.

When you are satisfied with the print-ready book, we manage the printing to ensure that you receive the best quality. One choice is a leather-bound, archival book that will last 200 years or more. Real Life Stories archival books are printed by a high-quality digital offset press (not a photocopier) using real ink, not toner (copy machines and quick-print shops use toner, which breaks down quickly) on archive-quality, acid-free paper.

Another option for your book when you hire a memoir writer is an affordable paperback which can be produced for several dollars each.

Benefits of working with a professional memoir writer include: forgotten memories often return; the act of telling your story to an impartial, interested witness is often therapeutic; a great excitement gathers around the biography process; a wonderful book results!

Please see our Memoir FAQ page.