Heirloom Private Biography

Our Heirloom Biography is the ultimate celebration of a life. Think of it as a private biography, or a private autobiography. In addition to a gorgeous book made to last 300 years, there are other benefits. Forgotten memories often return; the act of telling your story to an impartial, interested witness is often therapeutic; a great excitement gathers around the biography process; a wonderful book results! As one of our clients said, “You can’t put a price on that.” Learn more about the work of a personal biographer.
Our biographies that become family treasures the instant you first hold them in your hands. They are professionally written in the most compelling manner and are perfectly researched to capture the full history and context of a life. Because of the paper, ink and primarily because of the archive-quality binding, they are made to last approximately 200 years (compared to glue or “perfect” binding, which will begin to deteriorate within a few decades). See samples of our books.

The Heirloom Biography can also be a tax-deducted expense as a marketing tool for your business. Our Heirloom Biography includes:
- Writing and research for a full Heirloom Biography: more than a thousand hours.
- Interviews: More than 60 hours of interviews with those you specify who have a story or comment or anecdote about your loved one.
- Genealogical Research: Three to four solid days of genealogical research
- Writing and Research: All of the writing, research, fact-checking and follow-up communications necessary to write a full-length memoir of approximately 150 pages.
- Time frame: Approximately nine months from the initial interviews.